Friday, September 02, 2005

Blogging for Katrina - TruthLaidBear

One of my selected charities wasn't even on the list, so I had the pleasure of adding North Shore Animal League to the roster at and recording my donation. NSALA is already in Alabama, desperately working to save animals. I just wish someone had been able to help this situation,
Many people had dogs and they cannot take them on the bus. A police officer took one from a little boy, who cried until he vomited. "Snowball, snowball," he cried. The policeman told a reporter he didn’t know what would happen to the dog. (The Brandon Sun)
I also added my donation to the list of those giving to the Salvation Army, whose valiant efforts may not be enough if "donor fatigue" sets in: Salvation Army says food, supplies running out.

Donating money isn't enough to dispel my feelings of impotence but it helps those who can do more. Please contribute.

Also, check out the roundup page at


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